If you want to not be fat in summer, you must nourish the spleen in spring


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If you want to not be fat in summer, you must nourish the spleen in spring

(Summary description)The spleen belongs to earth in the five elements, and belongs to the ultimate yin in the yin and yang of the five zang organs. The spleen governs transportation and transformation, controls blood, promotes clearness, and distributes the essence of water and grain, and is the "source of qi and blood biochemistry".

If you want to not be fat in summer, you must nourish the spleen in spring

(Summary description)The spleen belongs to earth in the five elements, and belongs to the ultimate yin in the yin and yang of the five zang organs. The spleen governs transportation and transformation, controls blood, promotes clearness, and distributes the essence of water and grain, and is the "source of qi and blood biochemistry".


The spleen belongs to earth in the five elements, and belongs to the ultimate yin in the yin and yang of the five zang organs. The spleen governs transportation and transformation, controls blood, promotes clearness, and distributes the essence of water and grain, and is the "source of qi and blood biochemistry". After a person is born, each viscera relies on the water and grain essence transformed by the spleen for nourishment, so the spleen is called "the foundation of the day after tomorrow". The spleen plays a very important role in the digestion and absorption of food, so almost all gastrointestinal diseases can appear or be accompanied by spleen deficiency. Let's take a look at the symptoms of spleen deficiency and the daily conditioning methods in detail -

1. Symptoms of spleen deficiency

1. Cold hands and feet

Some people do not feel cold in the autumn and winter, but their hands and feet will always be in a state of lukewarmness. This is the manifestation of spleen deficiency and cold.

2. Obese

Most people who are obese are physically weak. Physical weakness is caused by the weakening of the body's spleen and stomach functions. Physical weakness will slow down metabolism and weaken the vitality of the body, thereby reducing the ability to consume nutrients. The nutrients cannot be consumed and accumulate in the body, resulting in obesity.

3. Anemia

People with spleen deficiency are prone to symptoms of anemia, and other conditions are not mentioned, but they often have symptoms of dizziness two or three times, easy to feel unhappy, difficult to laugh, and inevitably depressed.

4. Shortness of breath

When we get up in the morning, if we feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and brain swelling, it means that our spleen and stomach function is relatively weak.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when the spleen is deficient, the lung qi will first die. That is to say, the functions of the spleen and the lungs are mutually influenced. When the spleen is deficient to a certain extent, the lungs are not nourished, and shortness of breath is likely to occur, and the performance of lung-qi deficiency such as shortness of breath when moving is easy.

5. Decreased appetite

When moisture enters the body, it is most likely to damage the spleen. The main function of the spleen is to digest and absorb all kinds of food and liquids eaten in the body, convert these substances into nutrients that can be used by the human body, and provide new energy for human metabolism.

Most people experience a decrease in appetite and digestive function in the hot and humid environment of summer. However, there are also some people whose appetite is not affected and have a strong sense of hunger, but they feel full after eating, which is also a manifestation of a strong stomach and a weak spleen.

6. Thick yellow tongue coating

Changes in the tongue are the external manifestations of the spleen. A healthy tongue should have a red surface and look moist. There is a layer of tongue coating on the tongue surface, which is light and very clean. If there are obvious teeth marks on the edge of the tongue, it means that there is a problem with the body function.

If the tongue coating is white and thick and looks slippery and moist, it means that there is cold in the body. If the tongue coating is rough or thick, yellow and greasy, it means that there is damp heat in the body. If the tongue is red and has no coating, it means that the body has been hot to a certain extent and hurts the yin. At the same time, in summer, people with damp spleen often feel sticky in the mouth, thick tongue coating, and yellowing.

2. Regulate spleen deficiency

1. Massage Zusanli Zusanli is the key point for health care of the human body, located outside the knee and below the eye. Massage 50 to 100 times a day, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, regulate the qi, guide the stagnation and dredge the collaterals, and is suitable for various types of spleen and stomach lesions.

2. Go to bed early

It is best to go to bed at 10:30 and fall asleep at 11:00. Let the body enter a deep sleep state, because from 11:00 to 3:00, the gallbladder and liver meridians start to work. At this time, the liver and gallbladder begin to detoxify and metabolize , nourishing blood.

3. Regular living

Adhere to regular daily life and eat quantitatively, which will help promote human metabolism. If you eat irregularly and quantitatively, the liver and gallbladder must change with you every time. For a long time, the liver and gallbladder will be disturbed by qi and blood, which will damage the spleen and stomach.

4. Eat in moderation

To achieve "eating seventy percent full, tea drinking seventy percent fragrant", overeating will only increase the burden on the liver, gallbladder and stomach, and make the spleen and stomach indigestion.

5. Eat spleen-boosting foods

1) Chestnuts: sweet in taste, warm in nature, and belong to the spleen, stomach and kidney meridians.

Action: Invigorating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the kidney and strengthening the tendons, promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding. It is suitable for spleen deficiency, less appetite, nausea and diarrhea. Qi stagnation and abdominal distension should not eat.

2) Lentils: sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature, return to the spleen and stomach meridians.

Action: invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, clearing the summer heat and neutralizing the middle. It is suitable for spleen deficiency and dampness, loose stools with little food, vomiting and diarrhea due to summer heat. Qi stagnation and abdominal distension should not eat.

3) Red dates: sweet in taste, warm in nature, return to the spleen and stomach meridians. Action: Tonic for the spleen and stomach, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves. It is suitable for weak spleen and stomach, loose stools, fatigue and weakness. Qi stagnation, damp heat and constipation should not eat.

4) Chinese yam: sweet in taste and flat in nature, it belongs to the spleen, lung and kidney meridians.

Action: Invigorating Qi and spleen, nourishing yin and benefiting lung, invigorating kidney and strengthening essence. Suitable for weak spleen, loose stools, chronic diarrhea. Those who are wet and full of stagnation should not eat.

5) Shiitake mushrooms: sweet in taste and flat in nature.

Function: Yiweiqi, support acne. Suitable for weak spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, fatigue and fatigue. Belong to hair, measles and skin diseases, allergic diseases do not eat.

6) Sweet potato: sweet in taste, flat in nature, and belongs to the spleen and stomach meridian.

Action: Tonic for the spleen and stomach, invigorating energy, widening the stomach and intestines. It is suitable for weak spleen and stomach, thin shape and fatigue, less appetite and diarrhea. Eating too much can easily cause acid reflux, heartburn and gastrointestinal flatulence.

6. Rub the navel

The palm or base of one palm is attached to the umbilicus, the other hand is pressed against the back of the hand, and it is rotated and kneaded clockwise for about 5 minutes each time, 1 to 2 times a day.

This method can warm the yang and dispel cold, replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and eliminate food stagnation. It is mostly used for patients with indigestion, cold stomach, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation.

7. Insist on soaking feet to warm the spleen and stomach

Because both the spleen and stomach meridians start at the feet, we can warm the spleen and stomach and nourish qi and blood by insisting on soaking the feet.

Method: Before going to bed, use water of about 40 degrees to flow over the ankles, soak for 10~20 minutes, massage the soles and soles of the feet with your fingers, and stimulate the acupoints to open up the meridians, transfer the warmth to the whole body, and dispel the coldness of the spleen and stomach. Conservation of whole body qi and blood.

8. Avoid worrying too much

Humans have seven emotions and six desires. Normally, the yin and yang of the human body are in a state of balance, but if you worry too much, this balance will be broken, the functions of the viscera and other organs will be abnormal, and the spleen and stomach will start to run poorly, which will lead to qi and blood disorders.

Therefore, in the face of pressure, you can choose to sit still, stand, etc. to relax your body, sweat slightly, stretch your muscles and bones, so as not to feel overworked. It is not suitable to sweat profusely after exercising, because this kind of exercise consumes gas and damages the body fluid, but it will aggravate the symptoms of shortness of breath and fatigue, and reduce our immune function.

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